Authors Guidelines

General Guidelines for Authors:

  • Type-written Manuscripts in MS Word (.doc) format should be submitted to

  • Manuscripts will be published in the Journal after reviewing by the Experts.

  • IJBDE publishes original research papers, case reports, research notes, short communications and review papers on various aspects of management science and education after evaluation and the issuance of the decision by the experts, with the aim of ensuring speed of performance and accuracy.

  • It is necessary to adhere to the ethics of scientific research from all sides of the publishing process, the journal, the authors, and the publisher.

Paper Template:

Paper should clearly describe new and carefully confirmed results and experimental procedure which should be given in required details for others to verify the work. The Paper can be from 4 pages up to 20 pages excluding references and abstract. For proper referring and fast publication all manuscript should be grammatically correct.

You can download the IJBDE Paper template in word document: CLICK HERE

  • Title of Paper should be in Times New Roman 16 and Bold.

  • Author Name should be in Times New Roman 14.

  • Affiliation should be in Times New Roman 10 .

  • Headings: should be in Times New Roman 10 and Bold.

  • Text of the Manuscript should be in Times New Roman 10.

  • Length of paper is limited to 3 - 25 Pages.

Types of Articles:

  1. Research Articles : A research paper is a full-length, technically original research document that reports results of major and archival value to the specific community of management and education that comprise the journal audience. Research papers undergo full peer review. Recommended Length: more than 3000 words.

  2. Short Reports : These are reports of research findings, commentaries on topical issues or correspondence, including abstracts, tables, and legends. Recommended Length: less than 3000 words.

Components of Articles:

Title Page: The manuscript title, name and affiliation of each author, any current or additional affiliations, and corresponding author address and e-mail need to appear on the first page in the manuscript file. As shown in the approved template for the IJBDE.

Abstract: The abstract of not more than 400 words should be a condensed version of the final presentation and include all significant findings. Please do not divide the abstract into sub-sections.

Body Text: The text should be divided into sections, each with a separate heading and numbered consecutively. The section/subsection headings should be typed on a separate line.

Tables and Figures: Tables and figures must be submitted together with the main text manuscript.

Results: Results should be clear and concise.

Discussion: This should explore the significance of the results of the work, not repeat them. A combined Results and Discussion section is often appropriate. Avoid extensive citations and discussion of published literature.

Conclusions: The main conclusions of the study may be presented in a short Conclusions section, which may stand alone or form a subsection of a Discussion or Results and Discussion section.

Acknowledgements:The journal expects that topically relevant funding sources and conflicts of interest are fully disclosed in the acknowledgements of all submissions. Please omit the word "number" from grant or contract acknowledgements.

References: It should include all data, authors names, year, publisher, volume number, issue number, pages.

Publishing Process:

Papers publish in IJBDE covers the next steps:

The author submits a manuscript.

Receive the manuscript by the editors.

The editors' decision to accept or reject the manuscript.

The first response to the authors.

If the editor's acceptance of the manuscript in this stage, then the manuscript is peer reviewed.

Journal editor/editorial board decides whether to publish.

After the decision is issued, it is sent to the corresponding author.

Copy Editing and Typesetting.

Proof Reading.
